Heure de départ avec Dan Gall

Heure de départ

J'ai récemment eu l'occasion de rencontrer les membres de la haute direction de ATG en Suède, et nous avons discuté de leur système de loterie V-75 sur les courses de chevaux.

Avant de vous parler de notre rencontre, je veux partager avec vous mon expérience avec leur jeu de loterie V-75.

It didn’t go as planned

The View

I can hear the gasps from the crowd. I can picture the looks on their faces. I can feel the fear in the air.

Post Time with Dan Gall

Post Time

Recently I had the opportunity to meet with Senior Executives from ATG in Sweden and discuss their V-75 lottery scheme for horse racing.


Forever Fresh

Fresh Yankee

She was an international trotting sensation with numerous connections to Canada, but the road to the top for Fresh Yankee was anything but formulaic - a real life rags to riches story that never gets old.


Heartbreak & Kisses

Kissin In The Sand

Almost every week, Kissin In The Sand faces the sport’s other top three-year-old pacing filly competitors, and makes it look easy.