Une « Vie exceptionnelle »

Trot Feature - Keith Coulter

En décembre, à l’âge de 84 ans, le propriétaire-éleveur de longue date, Keith Coulter, a découvert que sa trotteuse étoile de deux ans, ’Imextraspecial’,

An 'Extra Special' Life

Trot Feature - Keith Coulter

When Keith Coulter was a child, growing up in Depression-era Toronto, he was always enamoured by the delivery horses.

18 July 2024
MacMillan: Open Letter to Officials

We are in a pandemic. I get that. It’s the responsibility of government to make decisions that are in the best interest of its citizens.

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18 July 2024
Horner: Letter to Doug Ford

Premier Doug Ford,

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18 July 2024
Elliott: Letter to Elected Officials

My name is Tony Elliott.

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