18 July 2024
Don't Be Afraid, You're Among Friends

Ever have a great conversation with someone about the state of the harness racing industry and feel deflated when it's over because you know that n

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18 July 2024
Our Share Of Rogers

Wednesday was an expensive day for me. I shelled out for new tires and brakes for my car and I also had to get my dryer fixed.

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18 July 2024
We Need A Game Changer

We are unbelievably fortunate in Ontario right now.

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Disappearing Colours

Horse Colours

The bay/brown dominance in our breed is impossible to ignore. But with a literally colourful history – how did this come to pass?


Jimmy [KOH-shon]

Jimmy Cauchon

Always on the up-and-up, this radio personality and ­racing fan comes off as a ball of excitement waiting to roll.