19 July 2024
Imports & Exports

I'll admit that I don't always agree with SOA of NY President Joe Faraldo but I do respect his passion for the industry.

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19 July 2024
Heats To Compete

I'm taking the news that Check Me Out won't race in the second heat of the Kentucky Filly Futurity with mixed emotions.

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Advocates Needed

The View

This month, in “Small Town Talk”, Trot takes a look at how the decisions being made by Ontario’s provincial government are being felt by the fans that frequent the smaller racetracks across the provin

Régime minceur pour le conseil

SC News (French)

Au cours des quelques derniers mois, des discussions signifiantes ont eu lieu au sein du conseil d’administration touchant tous nos niveaux d’opérations, en particulier un point qui est à notre ordre

Reducing Board Size

SC News

The past few months have seen signifiant discussions taking place at the board level about all levels of operations, and one item in particular has been on our agenda for some time...


Foiled Again

Foaled Again

When Standardbred Canada recently asked Canadian horsemen which horse came to mind as a truly great aged pacer, Foiled Again came up, well... again and again.


Swinging For The Fences

Doug McNair

He was the youngest driver, at age 18, to win $1 million. At the age of 20, in 2010, he was the youngest to reach 1,000 wins. At 21, he became the youngest driver to notch $10 million in purses.


Small Town Impact

What the fans think.

The government’s decision to shut down the Slots at Racetracks program is reverberating through rural and horse communities across Ontario.

Un nouveau départ

Feature Story: Quebec Racing

Avec une journée inaugurale du début de septembre ayant attiré une foule compacte de 6 000 personnes, le Jockey Club Québec est bien en selle pour offrir de nouveaux espoirs pour la reconstruction de

A Fresh Start

Feature Story: Quebec Racing

With its inaugural day in early September boasting an overflow attendance of 6,000, the Quebec Jockey Club is well on its way to offering new hope for the rebuilding of the province’s horse racing industry.