
She Made Them Work For It

Bee A Magician

When people think about Bee A Magician, they rightfully think about the many stakes races won and money earned. In fact,...


« Un jour… » c’est maintenant!

Trot Feature: Sylvain Filion

En discutant avec Sylvain Filion de certains des moments les plus mémorables de sa carrière et en discutant du chemin qui a mené à son intronisation prochaine au ...


'Someday' Is Here

Trot Feature: Sylvain Filion

When someone grows up in the same sport as their hall of fame father (and uncle), you might think that they spend a lot of time trying to get out of the shadow of their successful, older family members...


Quel est votre « thème à la Rocky » ?

Point De Vue

En tant qu’étudiant-athlète à la Pickering High School, c’était formidable de faire du sport pour une institution qui était à l’époque une puissance du football et du rugby...


What’s your ‘Theme From Rocky’?

The View

As a student-athlete at Pickering High School, it was great to play sports for an institution that was both a football and rugby powerhouse at the time. Playing team sports for the Pickering Trojans was an amazing experience, but Phys Ed class? ...


Twos In Training Report 2024

Twos In Training Report 2024

In many cases mid-April is too early to say which two-year-olds are truly the best, but that hasn’t stopped the trainers we’ve asked over the past four years from giving us the names of dozens of stars-to-be ...