Saveurs de sauterelles

Point De Vue

Plus tôt cette année, en visitant une foire agricole, je me suis retrouvé devant un kiosque unique. Devant moi, se trouvaient plusieurs plateaux contenant une vaste sélection de sauterelles, rôties, pour consommation humaine.

Je m’y suis arrêté.

Heure de départ avec Dan Gall

Heure de départ

Récemment, j’ai rencontré et travaillé avec plusieurs différentes organisations pour discuter des courses de chevaux standardbred et de notre association.

Grasshopper flavours

The View

Earlier this year, I was attending an agricultural fair, when I came upon a unique booth. In front of me were several trays with a wide selection of grasshoppers, roasted, for human consumption.

Post Time with Dan Gall

Post Time

Recently I have been meeting and working with a lot of different organizations to talk about standardbred horse racing and our association.

Tricks, Traps and Tips

Horseplayers 2017

We’ve asked four expert handicappers to pass along their thoughts to keep you happy at the racetrack, and winning at the windows.


The Power of the Carryover

Horseplayers 2017

Sinking marketing money directly into the horseplayer by seeding pools is effective, in both theory and practice. By Dean Towers


Gaining An Edge

Horseplayers 2017

A combination of art, science and hard work, the task of determining which horse will win any given race is no easy one.