
Inspired by Jared's Courage

Jareds Courage

After reading TROT’s March feature on a young boy and his special connection to a horse, racehorse owner Georg Leber felt inspired to make a difference in the child’s life. By Melissa Keith

Le prix de la gratuité

Point De Vue

Le mois dernier, on annonçait qu’à compter de cette année, Woodbine Entertainment Group commencera à imposer des frais d’admission de 10 $ pour assister à l’événement Pepsi North America Cup.

Pour ma part, je ne peux qu’applaudir cette décision.

Heure de Départ avec Dan Gall

Heure de Départ

Nous avons eu la chance de compiler les résultats du « Sondage national sur les règles et règlements » effectué sur le site web de Standardbred Canada en février.

La bonne nouvelle : nous avons reçu un message très fort et très clair de la part de ceux qui y ont participé.

The Price of Free

The View

Last month, it was announced that beginning this year, the Woodbine Entertainment Group will begin charging a $10 admission to attend the Pepsi North America Cup.

I, for one, applaud them for the decision.

Post Time with Dan Gall

Post Time

We had a chance to review the results of the “National Rules & Regulation Survey” taken on the Standardbred Canada website throughout the month of February.


Betting On Horse Racing


They say that attitude is everything. In Indiana, the racing industry is proving that again and again. By Debbie Little


The Little Jurisdiction That Can


Can a small racing region, with one track, and few breeders, be revived and thrive? It’s a question that many North American horsepeople are asking.