
'The Stable' Life

Trot Feature: The

For Kevin McMaster and Harry Poulton, training horses is in their blood. But when they found themselves on the outside, looking in, the phone rang. It was opportunity. By Keith McCalmont

19 July 2024
Understanding a proven model

Tomorrow is’s third Open House. We’ll host 300 people on-site tomorrow (and hundreds via our live broadcast) to watch yearlings jog.

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Miser gros sur nos clients

Point De Vue

Vous entrez chez votre dépanneur, cinq dollars en poche, prêt à acheter un billet de loterie. Vous sélectionnez vos chiffres chanceux, et vous dites au préposé de l’autre côté du comptoir, que vous aimeriez un billet pour la cagnotte d’un million de dollars.

Betting big on our customers

The View

You walk into your local convenience store, with five dollars in hand, ready to purchase a lottery ticket.

Heure de Départ avec Dan Gall

Heure de Départ

À la fin du printemps et à l’été, j’ai rencontré l’équipe de Standardbred Canada pour partager avec eux, les résultats et les rétroactions reçus des groupes de discussion et des rencontres formelles et informelles que j’ai eues avec nos membres et parties prenantes.

Post Time with Dan Gall

Post Time

As a result of this feedback it became crystal clear to me that the association needs to do a much better job at super-serving the needs of our customers which are you, our members. The only way we can super-serve our members is not only by listening but most importantly by doing.


London Calling: A Record Breaking Weekend!

London Selected Yearling Sale

The inaugural London Selected Yearling Sale took place in mid October. It was a busy few days in London, with the event bringing positive reviews and a $220,000 sale topper! By Trot Staff