With the phenomenal year that first crop pacing sire Downbytheseaside enjoyed on the racetrack, it’s no surprise that the yearlings in his second crop are garnering a great deal of attention for tomorrow’s (Friday, Sept. 17) Ohio Selected Jug Sale.
“We are super excited for the sale as we have 20 per cent of all the ‘Seasides’ in the entire auction in our consignment,” stated Adam Bowden of Diamond Creek Farm, who also manages the stallion.
“While we are thrilled to offer some of our particularly nice individuals, we are over the moon about how well his first crop has performed this season.”
Bowden also noted that the stallion himself is recovering nicely from his colic surgery while Down Under and is expected to return to the breeding shed this season at Woodland Stud in the Southern Hemisphere.

Enthusiasm for the Downbytheseaside offspring is certainly contagious as most of the consignors at the Ohio Select sale have some of their own to offer. Randy Haines, who is the manager of Cool Winds Farm as well as the president of the Ohio Harness Horse Breeders, is very optimistic about the climate for the sale.
“The 'Seasides' will certainly drive the market,” noted Haines. “We expect a huge crowd for the sale and all the right players are here and actively looking. All the other sales have been up, and we have 44 by arguably the hottest pacing sire of the season.”
Of course, with 280 yearlings in the sale, other sires are also well represented. Steiner Stock Farm bred World Champion Sea Silk p,2,1:51.2h-’21 ($340,000), the two-year-old Ohio Sire Stakes champion pacing filly, as well as last year’s Little Brown Jug winner Captain Barbossa p,4,1:47.1-’21 ($561,120).
Farm manager Al Manke said, “The money is great in Ohio and all our horses have been attracting a lot of attention. We have a Fear The Dragon sister to Sea Silk that looks the part.”
The Mossbarger family has been breeding horses in Ohio for generations, and Dr. John Mossbarger still gets butterflies.
“Well it’s September in Ohio – the Little Brown Jug and Yearling Sales. We’ve been doing this for 50 years, and I am still just as nervous as the first year.
“We are very proud of our consignment, which includes a nice group from Hanover Shoe Farms. We have gotten good reviews on the Long Toms and Fear The Dragon had a good year. We look forward to having a good sale for all of our consignors,” added Mossbarger.
Robert Hershberger, who stands Enterprise at his Dublin Valley Farms, noticed all the additional attention that his first crop sire attracted to his facility.
“We have never had so many people at our farm that have expressed so much excitement for a particular horse. For us, this attraction has been great. We are young and getting started, it’s very exciting. We never had this feeling coming into the sale.”
Mitch Nault of LMN Bred Stables said, “We are very excited for the first crop of Enterprise. We hope that Enterprise turns into another Walner, as they are both sons of Chapter Seven. Our consignment also has several nice individuals by the right sires: Downbytheseaside and What The Hill.”
Kevin Greenfield of Hickory Lane Farms is also keen on his What The Hill yearlings.
“We are very excited for our group by What The Hill. He is sitting third behind Walner and Chapter Seven [two-year-old earnings], and right now ahead of Muscle Hill. He’s got the most two-year-old winners in the state, and the most money. We are looking forward to a great sale tomorrow, and I think you will see more participation from outside the state with the Downbytheseasides and the What The Hills.”
Spring Haven Farm historically brings one of the largest consignments to the Ohio Sale, and frequently sells the sales toppers. When asked about her group this year, Senena Esty was quick to mention her Lost For Words brother to Heart Of Chewbacca p,3,1:48.4f-’21 ($344,523).
“We have a lot to choose from. We have a lot of Downbytheseasides. We have a lot of Fear the Dragons… don’t forget the Fear The Dragons. On the trotting side, the Enterprises are standouts. And What The Hills and the Uncle Peters… don’t forget the Uncle Peters!” Esty expressed emphatically.
“We have a couple of outstanding Uncle Peter colts, specifically,” added Esty.
Mark Adams of Winterwood Farm concluded, “We can’t wait to see how these horses sell. There is an energy in the air and the buyers will be out in force.”
Clearly, all eyes will be on the Ohio Selected Jug Sale on Friday, Sept. 17 at the Pickaway Ag Center.
(Ohio Harness Horse Breeders)