August 17, 2021 04:55 pm EDT
"I have a new outlook on life. Everyday that I get to wake up and breathe and see, I'm winning, but I knew I wasn't happy until I came back to the racetrack."
In a video feature presented by Horse Racing Alberta, Tyler Redwood discusses overcoming his addictions, his new outlook on life, the bond he has with his children and the horse he connected with through his recovery. The Alberta-based horseman, whose story was previously featured by HRA, is an inspiration and a testament to the day to day work needed to overcome addiction.
Read more about Tyler Redwood's story in the August issue of TROT Magazine.
(With files Horse Racing Alberta)
Tyler, do you remember back
Tyler, do you remember back when you and Mike Hennessy were struggling and I encouraged both of you that life in the wrong lane was no good for both of you and family's and that it takes will power and encouragment from friends and family and that you have to tell your mind many times a day that you can do it and it will materialize. When I read your story and what you have accomplished so far, it made my day. When I can, I try to check your drives and I saw that more and more, you were getting good horses to drive and that trainers were relying on you more and more. In life there is ups and downs and you got too deal with the downs before dealing with the ups and you did. You have become a responsible young man with a bright future, and I am so ☺ for you, keep up the good work. BEST OF LUCK in the future and keep telling yourself that YOU CAN DO IT. Talk to your mind my Friend (if I can call you my Friend???) Ron.
PS there is an old saying (AIDE TOI ET LE CIEL T'AIDERA), HELP YOURSELF AND HEAVEN WILL HELP YOU, have faith, BELIEVE, work hard and it will come. Good Luck.