Sheila Leahy: "Thank You"

Published: May 26, 2009 03:13 pm EDT

On behalf of Dave 'Bubbles' Wallis, Sheila Leahy told Trot Insider this afternoon that she wanted to say 'thank you' to all of the individuals that made the recent benefit

event at the Mohawk Inn such a success.

"The outpouring of support for Bubbles was very overwhelming," Leahy told Trot Insider. "There were even people that didn't show up or participate in some of the events that still donated money to help -- it was quite something."

Wallis suffered a stroke in December of 2008. Leahy told Trot Insider that Wallis is tentatively set to be released from Freeport Health Centre -- part of Kitchener's Grand River Hospital -- on Wednesday, June 3. Wallis will be starting a twice-a-week rehab stint at the facility once he is released.

"There are many, many people to thank, but a big thanks have got to go out to Jamie and Barb Millier and Harris Toole and Scott McEneny," Leahy said.

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