The Ontario Horse Racing Industry Association has announced that it has created a task force which is aiming at dialogue with the Ontario Government. The task force has retained former Ontario Racing Commission Chair Stanley Sadinsky to assist and advise it on the development of the plan
OHRIA is hoping that the dialogue with government will result in a viable and successful horse racing and breeding industry in the province.
Sadinsky was a paramount piece of a 2008 Ontario horse-racing industry report which was commissioned by the provincial Liberal government. The report was designed to examine the current state of horse racing, consult with stakeholders and create a long-term strategic plan for the future success of the industry in Ontario.
The OHRIA announcement appears below in its entirety.
In light of the government’s announcement to terminate the existing Slots at Racetracks Program, the Ontario Horse Racing Industry Association (OHRIA) has struck a Task Force to develop a plan and enter into a dialogue with government that will result in a viable and successful horse racing and breeding industry in Ontario. The Task Force is currently comprised of Sue Leslie, Chair of OHRIA as Chair, Jamie Martin, Executive Vice-President, Racing at Woodbine Entertainment and Hugh Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer at Western Fair District, others will be added as we move forward.
The Task Force has retained Stanley Sadinsky Q.C. to assist and advise it on the development of the plan. Mr. Sadinsky, a lawyer, specializes in Gambling Law and Policy. He is a former Chair of the Ontario Racing Commission (1994-2003) and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) (2003-2004). He consults with government ministries and agencies and with the private sector on gambling policy and legal issues. He has written reports for government on the Problem Gambling and Responsible Gaming Strategy of Ontario (2005) and on a plan for the Strategic Development of the Horse Racing and Breeding Industry of Ontario (2008).
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Welcome aboard Stanley
Welcome aboard Stanley Sadinsky the OHRIA must settle for nothing less than a full return to the slots at racetracks program. By now the OLG must be looking at a big loss for the last 2 months and be having second thoughts about cancelling the program.The people of Ontario don't want casinos all over the place with all the social ills they bring.Maybe Paul Godfrey and Rod Phillips have no social conscience but surely someone in the Liberal must realise what they are doing. Good Luck
Sorry Marty You are totally
Sorry Marty You are totally wrong on the Sadinsky report . The Sadinsky report recommended to the Liberal government that the Liberals renew the contract as is for another 10 years but with much more accountability on both the racetracks and the industry. The report suggested that more money should be spent on marketing the product because ultimately racetracks that give out 60000 dollars in purses on a Saturday afternoon while betting 12000 in front of a few family and friends is not sustainable or justifible use of the funds. The ORC has implemented some of the suggestions in the last few years of the report and certainly the Liberals used some of the criticisms of the industry to justify their brutal move But there were a number of suggestions that horsemen would disagree with as well as a number of recommendations that the racetrack operators would of disliked but if you read the whole report it came across as pro horse racing and certainly not a document you should suggest was used by the government to end the program. The other problem in your statement is blaming Ohria for the present cancellation of the program is absurd. I am sure that every person in this industry has an opinion on whether OHHA or OHRIA is doing a better job of moving the fight forward against the Liberals but it would be just as insincere of a member of OHRIA to suggest that we are here today because of OHHA. At some point I believe the Liberals will have to talk with the industry and retaining Stan Sadinsky is only a positive when that day finally comes.
Right on Marty! It is
Right on Marty!
It is amazing that there's still absolutely zero effort to address the issue of excessive rake, which is the elephant in the room. Hand-wringing, threats of lawsuits, all sorts of unproductive noise, but not a murmur to be heard concerning the paramount issue that prevents this sport from being competitive with other forms of gambling. Good grief, there's been two months to get over the denial stage and move on to doing something productive!
I don't care if you call it a subsidy or a revenue sharing agreement - the time for semantics is over, as is the program. The current choice is very simple. Learn how to swim, or sink like a stone.
Any community looking for a
Any community looking for a casino, should listen to the news, coming out of Atlantic city. Not great. They have been in decline for a number of years. Look at the casinos in Niagara Falls and Windsor, profits are in decline. Casinos tend to have a really short honeymoon period. Good Luck OLG. be careful who you are listening to. Bruce T. Winning
In reply to Any community looking for a by Winning
Hard to believe that a
Hard to believe that a government with a contract set to expire in 2015 would pull the plug without warning or consultation on an industry that employs (6000 to 30,000 debatable) and then refuses to talk to the industry.
This plan's been in motion for longer that we care to know but was political suicide and not brought forward till well after the elections in the fall of 2011.(only 6 months ago )
When the SAR program started in 2000 there were only a hand full of tracks in Ontario. To open a recetrack in Ontario you need a license from the provincial gov. and they were more then happy to issue licenses so that they could put the SAR in them. This created a demand for horses and the industry supplied them because the $ was good. Now the same government comes to us and says we have too many tracks ???? DUHHH you allowed them !
In this case none of the partners were spoken to and no effort to re-negotiate the contract whatsoever. The OLG might be surprised maybe the partners would do it for 5% and 5%.
This gov. is not looking to save $ but rather for a way to fill the empty coffers from the last election and the race industry is nothing more then collateral damage.
Sad to see that we need to hire consultants in order to speak to our gov. How disconnected can they be.
I wish the task force and Mr. Sadinsky the best of luck, many people are counting on them.
How about someone to
How about someone to represent OHHA.
Duncan and McGinty are only
Duncan and McGinty are only listening to Paul Godfrey. They are not listening to the voters, the doctors, the teachers or the credit people, does not look like they are going to listen to any horse people. Hope it works out well for them. No one in Madoc is going to put their money into a slot machine. We need a change of government in the province of Ontario. sincerely Bruce T. Winning
A GREAT idea..Nothing like
A GREAT idea..Nothing like fighting FIRE with FIRE!!!He will make a very helpful consultant and he certainly knows his way around the table!!..Very smart move!
There has been much
There has been much speculation by posters on this site of lawsuits against the OLG by the Racetracks. Given his new position, and expertise in gambling law and policy, perhaps Mr. Sadinsky through OHRIA could release a statement to Standardbred Canada regarding the feasability of lawsuits against the OLG for breaking the Slots at Racetracks contract early.
great addition to the team
great addition to the team
Once again, a CLASS ACT MOVE
Once again, a CLASS ACT MOVE by OHRIA. Thank you Sue and company. We know your efforts have been tireless and we appreciate the position you have taken on behalf of our industry.
Is it just
Is it just me.......or....
1. Is Stanley Sadinsky not the man who wrote the report which the OLG and Drummond based their findings for which the Liberals based their decision to withdraw the slots at racetracks?
Is it just me..... or...
2. Is it not OHRIA which made the original agreement with the OLG which allowed this to happen in the first place?
Is it just me.....or..
3. Does WEG now realise that they are no longer in the drivers seat, and now need to take a pro-active roll to survive?
Is it just me....or..
4. Are we finding that the horse has left the barn, and just now, racings supposed leaders are trying to shut the door?
Is it just me....or...
5. Is there something going on with friends of the OLG leaders that will impact racing in a negative way?
Is it just me...or..
(Fill in your blanks)
Yours for integrity, transparency, and accountability,
Marty Adler
Possibly the FORMER track announcer at Windsor Raceway
In reply to Is it just by Marty Adler
Well said Marty Adler. This
Well said Marty Adler. This bunch at Queen's Park do not at this time pass the smell test. They are in a whole lot of trouble and have no idea how to get out of it. Municipalities are going to have a lot of questions regarding the honesty and integrity of this bunch. It would be the last group I would get in bed with. sincerely Bruce T. Winning
Great move! We certainly
Great move! We certainly needed someone with the background that Mr. Sadinsky has in the industry to deal with the government.