The draw for the 2024 Atlantic Regional Driving Championship, set for this coming Saturday, May 25 at Red Shores Racetrack and Casino at the Charlottetown Driving Park, is complete.
The first race post time for Saturday’s card of harness racing is 6 p.m. (ADT) / 5 p.m. (EDT). The following drivers will be participating in the Atlantic Regional Driving Championship:
- Marc Campbell
- Redmond Doucet
- David Dowling
- Paul Langille
- Corey MacPherson
- Ardon Mofford
- Ken Murphy
- Todd Trites
The ARDC races are Races 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. To view Saturday’s entries, click on one of the following links:
Red Shores Racetrack and Casino at Charlottetown Driving Park - Saturday Entries || Program Pages (courtesy TrackIT).
The eight drivers will participate in eight competition races. Each race will have a field of seven, one driver will sit out in each race and each driver will drive from every post position once.
Drivers will receive points based on their finishing position and the top two drivers from the eight-race competition will join Tyler Borth, James MacDonald, Phil Giesbrecht, Mike Hennessy and Doug McNair at the 2024 National Driving Championship (NDC) on Friday, July 5, at Hippodrome 3R in Trois-Rivières, Que.
The winner of the 2024 NDC will have the opportunity to represent Canada in the 2025 World Driving Championship in New Zealand.
The Regional Driving Championships and the National Driving Championship will adopt the point system utilized in the World Driving Championship. Points will be awarded on the order of finish as follows:
Number of Starters: 7
14 points (1st), 9 (2), 6 (3), 4 (4), 3 (5), 2 (6), 1 (7)
In the event of a scratch, the driving rep drawn to a horse shall drive the ‘also eligible’ horse. In the event of a horse being scratched or where no horse is available, five points shall be awarded to the driver concerned. If a horse is disqualified or a horse and driver fail to complete the race, they will receive one point. In the event of a dead heat for any placing in any race, the points for the horses involved will be added together and divided equally among the drivers concerned (eg. If there’s a dead heat for third between two horses, the points for third and fourth place will be added and divided among the drivers).
Prior to Saturday's card, be sure to tune into the Standardbred Canada (SC) website on Friday, May 24 for a preview of the Atlantic Regional Driving Championship card in the Road to the Nationals video handicapping series, hosted by SC's Dan Fisher and John Rallis, with special guests Corey MacPherson and Lee Drake.
(Standardbred Canada)