Deweycheatumnhowe, the only horse in the history of harness racing to win the Hambletonian while undefeated, is being relocated from Walnut Hall
Ltd. to Westwind Farm in Strathroy, Ontario, where he will stand beginning with the 2010 breeding season.
Deweycheatumnhowe’s relocation was announced by Alan J. Leavitt, president of Walnut Hall Ltd., which is owned by his wife, Meg Jewett. Leavitt said, “The Deweycheatumnhowe Syndicate selected Ontario because it has the richest sire stakes program in North America, as opposed to Kentucky, which offers less money than any other harness racing jurisdiction, and the Kentucky money goes down every year.”
Leavitt also added, “This is a sad day for Kentucky, which likes to call itself the Horse Capital of the World, when the greatest trotter ever to stand in the state is forced to move because a small group of arrogant, world class hypocrites in Frankfort refuse to give the Standardbred breeding industry the support it needs to remain viable.”
(Walnut Hall Ltd.)
Excellent. Another top
Excellent. Another top Stallion for Ontario. Maybe they will allow visitors in the Summer so my daughter can see him.
Right on! Dewy is coming
Right on! Dewy is coming back where he belongs. That's going to be great for the O.S.S. program and Canadian breeding.
Now, wouldn't it be
Now, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get 'Beach' here as well. Glad to hear 'Dewey' is coming, what a great future for our OSS program.
Welcome Dewey! Look forward
Welcome Dewey! Look forward to seeing your progeny in the Ontario Sires Stakes Program.
Kentucky's loss is Ontario's
Kentucky's loss is Ontario's gain!!!
Can't wait to see his babies race -- good luck in the shed Dewey
Marie Stoyles-Moura