‘Pocono Most Competitive US Track’ November 26, 2013 At the end of each year, when USHWA’s Monticello Goshen chapter holds its annual awards banquet, one of the most prestigious accolades bestowed is the chapter’s Rising Star Award. And from the choices...
USHWA Donates To Historic Track November 21, 2013 After again running another successful awards banquet in late November, the Monticello-Goshen Chapter of U.S. Harness Writers Association donated $3,000 to Historic Track at its monthly board meeting ...
Proximity Award Finalists Announced November 12, 2013 Blue Chip Farms and Joe Thomson of Winbak Farm are the finalists for the U.S. Harness Writers Association’s 2013 Stan Bergstein-Proximity Award, an honour in the sport second only to election to the H...
USHWA To Honour Fielding November 08, 2013 The Monticello Goshen Chapter USHWA will be proud to honour Jerry Fielding with the chapter’s Amy Bull Crist Distinguished Service Award. He’ll receive his accolade when the scribes hold their 55th an...
Giwner To Receive Phil Pines Award October 31, 2013 Four years ago, USHWA’s Monticello-Goshen Chapter named an award in honour of late Hall of Famer and former chapter president Phil Pines. Since then there have been some worthy recipients, and this ye...
USHWA To Honour Warner October 22, 2013 When the Monticello-Goshen Chapter holds its 55th annual Awards Banquet on Sunday, November 17 at The Fountains in Middletown, New York, the ‘Mighty M’s senior director of Racing, Eric Warner, will be...
USHWA To Honour Charters October 16, 2013 Over the decades, the Monticello-Goshen Chapter USHWA has held annual awards banquets to celebrate the accomplishments, both human and equine, at Monticello Raceway and Historic Track. Along with thos...
Ten To PA Hall Of Fame October 16, 2013 The Keystone Chapter of the United States Harness Writers Association is pleased to announce the first inductees into the Pennsylvania Harness Racing Hall of Fame.
USHWA To Honour Kimelman October 08, 2013 When it comes to harness racing, Mike Kimelman is a man for all seasons. He’s the president of Blue Chip Farms, a member of the Goshen Historic Track Board of Directors, a member of the Standardbred O...
USHWA Chapter Donates To Museum July 25, 2013 For the 30th consecutive year, the Monticello-Goshen Chapter of the U.S. Harness Writers Association made a donation to the Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame.
Miller, Weaver On U.S. HOF Ballot July 08, 2013 Driver David Miller and breeder William Weaver will be on this summer’s ballot for election to the Living Hall of Fame, the U.S. Harness Writers Association announced Monday.
Winning Mister Honoured In PA May 23, 2013 The 'Best of 2012' awards were handed out Wednesday, May 22 by the Keystone Chapter of the U.S. Harness Writers’ Association. Leading the way as Pennsylvania’s Horse of the Year was Bob Key’s Winning ...