Nothing But Blue Skies For Reynolds June 28, 2021 “Growing up, I always wanted to be around horses. I never consider any of what I do to be work. It’s a lifestyle. I feel very connected to the horses and whenever they race, no matter what happens, I ...
Ontario Tracks To Welcome Back Fans June 24, 2021 Fans of live harness racing rejoice: Ontario's racetracks can start to roll out the red carpet for a limited number of spectators starting next week.
Benefit Surplus Added To Purses June 10, 2021 As a result of excess funds from past equine benefit programs led by Ontario Racing, excess surplus funds will be added to the amount of purse funds scheduled for this upcoming racing season once raci...
Ontario Tracks Return This Weekend June 08, 2021 Condition sheets have been posted for the majority of Ontario's racetracks that plan to conduct live harness racing this weekend.
Racing Returns To Ontario Friday June 07, 2021 With Ontario entering Step One of the ‘Roadmap to Reopen’ plan earlier than originally expected, the province's harness racing industry will once again conduct live racing starting this Friday (June 1...
Woodbine Issues Protocol Update May 26, 2021 As the racing industry in Ontario prepares for competition to resume, management from Woodbine Entertainment have issued an update on their participation protocols, chiefly with respect to travel rest...
May Standardbred Equine Benefit Payment Details Forthcoming May 21, 2021 Ontario Racing, in response to the most recent impacts of COVID-19 on the provincial horse racing industry, is working to finalize details with industry partners, government officials and others, rega...
Ontario Racing To Resume In June May 20, 2021 On Thursday (May 20), the Government of Ontario announced a three-step ‘Roadmap to Reopen’ the economy plan based on decreased daily COVID-19 case counts, lower hospitalization rates, and the percenta...
OSS, Prospect Schedule Update May 13, 2021 In response to the current suspension of live racing due to the provincial stay-at-home order, Ontario Racing’s Standardbred Horse Improvement Program (SIP) Committee is reviewing the 2021 Ontario Sir...
Industry Associations Make Joint Request To Premier Ford May 12, 2021 Standardbred Canada (SC), Ontario Racing (OR) and the Central Ontario Standardbred Association (COSA) are working together on behalf of their memberships to ensure the Government of Ontario understan...
SC Makes It Easy As 1-2-3 To Reach Your MPP May 05, 2021 In a continuing effort to support Ontario Racing’s efforts in lobbying the Ontario Provincial Government to resume racing, Standardbred Canada (SC) asked Ontario SC members to take action and contact ...
Call To Action For Ontario Members! Premier Ford Needs To Hear From You! April 30, 2021 Standardbred Canada (SC) continues to support Ontario Racing’s efforts in lobbying the Ontario Provincial Government to allow racetracks in the province to resume racing. To support this initiative f...