Shadow Play Starts Training February 28, 2009 In our ongoing series of updates on 2008 Little Brown Jug winner Shadow Play, Dr. Ian Moore reports in his Trot Blog that the four-year-old son of The Panderosa had his first training mile of the year...
Moore Gives Update On Shadow Play February 24, 2009 In his latest Trot blog entry, Dr. Ian Moore gives us an update on his star student – Shadow Play
Dr. Ian Moore Joins Trot Blog Team February 14, 2009 Will Shadow Play be able to step out of the shadow of arguably one of the best racehorses of our time, and make the transition from three to four? This morning, Shadow Play's co-owner and trainer Dr. ...
Shadow Play Back To Work February 10, 2009 Winter holidays are officially over for last year’s Little Brown Jug winner, Shadow Play, who recently resumed jogging at his home base in Prince Edward Island for trainer Dr. Ian Moore
Shadow Play Day At The CDPEC December 05, 2008 The owners of world champion Shadow Play - Dr. Ian Moore, RG McGroup Ltd, and Serge Savard - are gearing up for a special day at the Charlottetown Driving Park Entertainment Centre on Saturday afterno...
Shadow Play Passes On Bye November 19, 2008 The connections of millionaire Shadow Play have opted to pass on a bye to the Breeders Crown final and participate in this Saturday's $25,000 three-year-old colt pace elimination at the Meadowlands.
Shadow Play Back To Illinois October 28, 2008 With a choice between two races this weekend, 2008 Little Brown Jug winner Shadow Play is heading back to Illinois and will supplement to the $275,000 American-National Stakes at Balmoral Park.
MacGrath, Dr. Moore On CBC Radio October 23, 2008 October 23, 2008 CBC Radio will be offering listeners a preview of the Messenger Stakes on its Friday edition of Maritime Noon.
MacGrath, Dr. Moore On 'The Beach,' 'Shadow' October 23, 2008 The trainers of world champions Somebeachsomewhere and Shadow Play, primary players in Yonkers Raceway's $650,000 Messenger Stakes Saturday night, have commented on their charges heading in.
Shadow Play Headlines Windy City October 07, 2008 World Record holder and recent Little Brown Jug winner Shadow Play fronts a field of eight sophomore pacers set to contest the $275,000 Windy City Pace at Maywood Park on Friday night.
Dr. Moore: No Red Mile For Shadow Play September 29, 2008 This morning, Shadow Play's trainer Dr. Ian Moore told Trot Insider that the Little Brown Jug winner will not be supplemented to the Tattersalls Pace at the Red Mile, as The Panderosa colt is fighting...
Moore: Shadow Play Sound, Raring To Go September 24, 2008 Dr. Ian Moore has stated that after dealing with an abscess on a front foot, Little Brown Jug winner Shadow Play is sound and raring to go. "He's the toughest horse I've ever treated in my career as a...