Happy New Year (and now back to business)

Happy New Year!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to spend it with family and friends. And I hope you are all still on track to keep your New Year's resolutions! I am sitting here thinking that it just can't be true – it’s 2009 and I have been chair of Standardbred Canada for almost a year. Unbelievable.

The full SC Board of Directors met in November with a hefty agenda, and management and staff indicated there was a small surplus for the 2008 fiscal year. I would like to thank and congratulate all of the staff for that, as the forecasted budget was closer to a $75,000 deficit.

Looking forward to this coming year, the Board sent the proposed 2009 budget back to management with some suggested amendments, sticking to the mandate for a balanced budget. I’m confident they will once again make it happen.

Also at these meetings it was decided to seek professional advice from an outside consulting firm in regards to a review of both the IT process and revenue generation of SC. The Board feels that our main source of revenue in the years to come will be from a strong IT department, and thus we want to ensure SC is headed in the right direction. In addition, the Breeders Committee agreed to extend the registration deadline for Quebec-sired 2008 foals to try and assist Quebec breeders in these financially uncertain times.

Over the past few years, the Board has struggled with its sheer size and some other governance issues. With that in mind there will be a governance session scheduled at the January board meetings on this subject with a professional facilitator.

On that note, I should ask if you’ve ever been interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of SC. If your answer is yes, now is your chance to become more involved as the Audit & Governance Committee is looking for some new candidates. If you have an interest in joining, please apply to our corporate secretary, Caren Brown. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Rick Karper, Ken Morden and Fred Zaitsoff for volunteering their time and professional counsel over the past four years. As chair of Audit & Governance, Ken will still be around for another year to assist the new committee chair during the transition.

I have to admit -- I’m really wondering if Nova Scotia will be a ghost town the last weekend of January. After all, I expect (though I’m just guessing) that all the Maritimers will be enjoying a final Beach party at the Delta Meadowvale in Mississauga, Ontario. That’s right – it’s time again for the O’Brien Awards banquet. Get your tickets early! I hope you’ll also attend the Annual General Meeting of members at the Delta just before the banquet (Saturday, January 31, at 1:00 p.m, in the Hazel McCallion room).

As per usual, I have congratulations to give. First to Isaac Waxman for having his first career driving win with Mach It Paid at Flamboro in November. Way to go! Also to Doug McNair, who is now the youngest driver, at 18, to record a million dollar season. Congratulations!

I would also like to pass on my best wishes to past SC chair Pierre Guillemette, who is recovering from a broken hip after an incident with one of his young horses. Get well soon!

And finally, on a sad note, last month Canadian standardbred racing lost a great fan of the sport with the passing of Andre Villeneuve, a member of SC's Audit and Governance Committee. Any conversations I have had with Andre you could always tell that he was a fan first and an investor in the sport second. In particular Andre really enjoyed the exploits of Somebeachsomewhere. Rest in peace Andre and watch down on our great industry.

Best of luck and success in 2009 everyone.

Until next month.

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