Race Date Change Approved For Rideau Carleton

Published: September 16, 2024 04:55 pm EDT

The Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has approved an amendment to the 2024 race date schedule for Rideau Carleton Raceway.

The race date schedule for Rideau Carleton has been amended with the removal of the Sunday, Oct. 6 race date and the addition of a race date on Tuesday, Oct. 8 with post time at 6:30 p.m.

The schedule change will allow for track maintenance following Run For A Cure, a large on-track charity event taking place on Oct. 6 in support of breast cancer research.

The application for amendment to the 2024 race date schedule was reviewed by Ontario Racing and Ontario Lottery and Gaming, and recommendations for approval of the changes were received from both organizations.

The approved changes to the 2024 race date schedule are also conditional upon approval by the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency.

Click here to view the revised 2024 race date schedule for Rideau Carleton Raceway.

(Standardbred Canada with files from AGCO)

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