A reminder to O’Brien Award voters that completed ballots are due today (Friday, December 14) by noon (EST) at Standardbred Canada.
The online voting for the Fan Ballot, available to fans and SC members is also available until 12:00 p.m. today.
To access the online voting package, click the following link: O'Briens Voter Documentation.
Fans can vote for the first and second place horse/person in each category (exception is Horse of the Year where only one name is required). All the fan votes received will count for one vote towards the voting results of the O’Brien Awards. There will be a limit of one vote per person (i.e. IP address or email address).
The horses/people who receive a first-place vote will receive two (2) points and those that receive a second-place vote will receive one (1) point. The top two point earners will be the finalists in each category. The number of first place votes will be used as a tie-breaker.
Finalists will be announced on Tuesday, December 18.
The O’Brien Award winners will be announced and honoured at the annual awards banquet on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at the Hilton Mississauga / Meadowvale Hotel in Mississauga.