Inside SCoop (français)

En regardant le déroulement du Championnat national canadien des conducteurs 2009 à Fraser Downs, tout ce qui me venait en tête, c’était tout le plaisir qui s’y rattachait.


Inside SCoop

As I was watching the 2009 National Driving Championship at Fraser Downs, all I could think about was how much fun it was. How, I was thinking, can you possibly sustain this fun 107 days a year?

Quelle drôle de conclusion

Point de vue

Je suis une personne de chiffres. Écrivez-moi une histoire – je suis content. Faites-moi un dessin – je le suis encore plus.

Drawing An Odd Conclusion

The View

I am a numbers person. Write me a story – I’m happy. Draw me a picture – I’m happier. Show me a spreadsheet – I’m thrilled.


Special Delivery

Rail Tales

Imagine coming home to a horse – a horse that wasn't there when you left. It's a funny, quirky mystery with a surprising ending you won't want to miss. By Bob Carson

The Numbers


It's tough to gauge the state of the industry on words alone. We need a quantitative measure.

Knock Knock


The popularity of animal welfare and animal rights groups has grown immensely in recent years, and looking forward, it's an issue we'll have to consider.

No holds barred

Andrew Cohen

In a passionate, poignant, critical editorial, outspoken writer and owner Andrew Cohen returns to literary activism with a piercing look at where harness racing really stands. By Andrew Cohen



Its Show Time

n this imaginative episode of BLOODlines, you'll meet a 2047 colt with a stunningly creative pedigree and roots in this era's champion horses.


This is it

We've turned the tables this year and put the questions to you – owners, drivers, trainers, breeders, racetrack managers and horseplayers from coast to coast. What is the state of our industry?