17 July 2024
No Go This Week

As everybody knows, there are usually far more moments of disappointment than moments of joy in this business, and today was a downer for Shadow Pl

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17 July 2024
What's in a name?

Word of advice: Want good weather for a night at the track? Hope that my friend Brad isn't there.

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17 July 2024
Update on Shadow Play Status Tomorrow

After a brisk training trip at Mohawk Sunday morning and scoping after, a decision will be made tomorrow (Tuesday) on whether or not Shadow will be

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Les grands évènements sont-il la clef du succès?

Point de vue

Quand une nouvelle politique interdisant aux gens d’apporter leur bière sur le terrain pour la récente édition du ‘Preakness Stakes’, l’assistance a diminué… correction, l’assistance a

Are big events the key to prosperity?

The View

When a new policy at the recently contested Preakness Stakes banned people from bringing their own beer into the infield, attendance dropped… correction, attendance plummeted.

À la poursuite... de la Génération Y

Inside SCoop (français)

Le Congrès canadien sur le Pari Standardbred 2009 qui s’est tenu à Windsor, Ontario, vient tout juste de se terminer et je m’empresse de rédiger cette chronique de ma chambre d’hôtel avec vu

On the hunt... for Generation Y

Inside SCoop

The 2009 Standardbred Canada Wagering Conference in Windsor, ON, has just concluded and I am writing this column from my room looking across the river to the Detroit city center.

The Third Sunday in June

Queen's Plate

The Queen's Plate is a thoroughbred race (one of the oldest in the world) that's celebrating it's 150th anniversary this year. And we're all in the business of racing horses, after all.


Driving Innovation

Wagering Conference

This year's wagering ­conference hit some key notes that the industry would be well-served to hear.