Doux novembre!

Inside SCoop (français)

Novembre est pour moi comme une période de relâche. L’hiver est à nos portes (ou a déjà frappé dans certaines régions du Canada!) et la saison des courses ‘stakes’ est terminée.

Sweet November

Inside SCoop

November is kind of a let down month for me. Winter is on the way (or has already hit in some parts of Canada!) and the major stakes race season is over.

Pertes croissantes

Point de vue

À peine quelques jours avant que le gouvernement provincial du Québec n’annonce le point final de sa participation aux courses de chevaux dans la province, il a émis un communiqué qui contenait

Mounting Losses

The View

Just days before the Quebec provincial government recently announced their end-game for harness racing in the province, they put out a release. It included this paragraph:

18 July 2024
Greatest ever? Who can say for sure?

It’s fascinating to read the comments on the poll about the greatest trotter ever.

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18 July 2024
Horse sales and caskets

One of the big news items in retailing in the US this week has been that Wal-Mart is now selling caskets.

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18 July 2024
Caption This Spooky Photo

Thinking about what I could do for a special Hallowe'en feature on the website, I found an email sent to me earlier this year


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18 July 2024
Promote the Drivers

It is time to reward our drivers and make them the marquee athletes that can attract the public


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