Lindy Farms, in conjunction with the Harness Horse Youth Foundation, sponsored a family day for members of the Bourbon Slush Stable on Sunday, June 19.
A total of 120 attendees, ranging from a few weeks old to 91-years-old, met stable member Lil Miss Bourbon, a two-year-old American Ideal filly owned by the group, who jogged for those in attendance. Attendees also had a chance to experience a jog cart ride with the seven trotting-bred members of the HHYF stable (over 80 participants took advantage of that opportunity).
The Lindy Farms staff and management, including Frank Antonacci and farm manager John Belskie, were in attendance, with Antonacci hosting a question-and-answer session and Belskie providing a tour of the breeding farm. Lunch was served under a tent at nearby Somers Golf Center, as attendees took advantage of the mini-golf, batting cages, driving range, rock wall and monkey motion attraction.
The Harness Horse Youth Foundation stable and staff are currently quartered at the historic Wayne County Fairgrounds in Honesdale, Pennsylvania and will take part in Tunkhannock Founders Day Saturday and will also be at the festivities surrounding Hall of Fame weekend in Goshen, New York during Independence Weekend, as the foundation prepares for its summer camp season in July and August.
(With files from the HHYF)