March 3, 2013 10:55 am EST
Horse Racing Alberta recently released a series of public service videos designed to promote the value of horse racing in the province.
The videos are available below.
Horse Racing Alberta recently released a series of public service videos designed to promote the value of horse racing in the province.
The videos are available below.
This is MARKETING that will =
This is MARKETING that will = FANS that will = $$$ to sustain the Industry. I felt the excitement watching each clip. Well done. What part of these doesn't our Liberal government not get; still?
Such a shame that our Ontario
Such a shame that our Ontario Politicians cannot be enlightened like our next door Neighbours, New York and Alberta.The decision to end the SARP will end up being more devastating to the economy of Ontario then the cancelled gas plants( estimated at a billion dollars)and the Orange scandal ( I don't know what to estimate that at, let's say another billion) That is 2 billion dollars. These are one time losses the horse racing industry contributes 2 billion dollars to the economy of Ontario each and every year. Add on to that the large increase in Welfare, unemployment and over 60,000 discrunteled voters and you have a large disaster on your hands. Once the new casinos are built, at tax payers expence, and begin to loose millions of dollars , just like the existing ones do now, who knows maybe the politicians will finally admitt that they made the wrong decision. Miracles happen , You know.
This is something we should
This is something we should have done the moment the Liberals announced the end of the so called "Revenue Sharing Partnership". Where do we go from here?