Trotter Injured In Paddock Accident

Published: February 22, 2011 10:22 pm EST

Trot Insider has learned that some recent turnout time in a paddock for veteran trotter Southwind Califon was anything but an enjoyable experience

. The 37-time winner, who lifted his bankroll over $500,000 late last season, suffered a serious injury while being treated to some turn out time with a stablemate.

“Armbro [Armbro Continental] and Cali [Southwind Califon] get turned out together, and when I went out to the paddock to get them I noticed Cali had a cut on his head,” said caretaker Stephanie Bossence. “I couldn't see how bad, but when I returned to the paddock to get him I saw the extent of it. Immediately I brought him in and gave him a shot of Banamine and called my father [owner/trainer Steve Bossence] who then called the vet.”

The injury to the 11-year-old son of Dancers Victory was a serious one, but it could have been a lot worse according to his attending veterinarian.

“When we saw the vet he informed us that he [Southwind Califon] had fractured his skull; but not the eye socket,” added Bossence. “Otherwise surgery would have been required. We have to keep an eye on the swelling and make sure his eye is ok.”

The charismatic campaigner, who took a 1:54.1 speed badge as a five-year-old at Mohawk Racetrack, went 8-for-29 last season and banked just over $45,000. He opened up his 2011 season 0-for-2, and it might be a while before he gets a chance to better that record according to his connections.

“We will be giving him however much time he needs,” Bossence added. “He will let us know when he is ready. We are in no rush with him, and hopefully no damage was done to his nasal cavity.”

Please join Standardbred Canada in wishing a full and speedy recovery to Southwind Califon.



Such a horrible accident - I can only imagine how you feel. Praying for a speedy recovery.

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