Expansion Planned For Kawartha Downs

Published: December 3, 2021 12:53 pm EST

Reports indicate that the owner of Kawartha Downs has recently revealed plans to expand and revitalize the existing property to bring more amenities, entertainment options and housing to the surrounding area.

On Monday (Dec. 6) officials with Romspen Investment Corporation (RIC) and C2 Planning Land Use Planners will seek approval and an endorsement from the township of Cavan Monaghan to rezone approximately approximately 59.56 hectares of land for expansion of the existing area to include "a new hotel, expanded casino uses, soccer fields, an outdoor concert and entertainment amphitheatre, a multi-purpose indoor concert facility and well as a needed sports facility, an overflow parking lot that will accommodate the proposed Southern Ontario Agricultural Fairgrounds, a tractor pull track plus additional facilities to support a regional agricultural fair and tourism space on the site."

According to the request, this rezoning and proposed development will "achieve the Township’s Official Plan policy goals of continuous and orderly development of the community and employment within Cavan Monaghan" including a "residential component that will support the appropriate growth of the hamlet area and revitalization of the Kawartha Downs site."

Plans include the development of 193 townhouses, 272 semi-detached homes and 123 detached homes, providing 588 new dwelling units and a mix of fully-serviced housing opportunities in the Township.

Rompsden would like the Township to adopt resolutions to support the zoning request, and work with the Township to draft a redevelopment agreement early next year.

To read more about the proposal as published in the Peterborough Examiner, click here

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