TROT Magazine would like to wish everyone in harness racing a happy holiday season. As a special festive feature, all of the 2024 holiday ads from December's TROT, the special 50th Anniversary Issue, are now available for viewing online.
ASHA / Century / HRA
Carmen Auciello
Shayne Barrington
Bax Family
The Beatsons & Cole England
Brett Beckwith
Luc Blais
Tyler Borth
Brittany Farms
Breeders Crown Charity Challenge
Breeders Crown Stallion Nominations
Breeders Crown Thank You
Brian Brown
Burke Racing
Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame
Cane Run Farm
Clinton Raceway
Casie Coleman
Jamie Copley
Blair Corbeil
Crawford Farms
Lynn Curry & Annie Stoebe
Noel Daley
Jack Darling
Deo Volente Farms
Deo Volente Farms - Trixton
Dr. J - Its Academic
Dexter Dunn
Equine Guelph
Erinwood Equine
Mark Etsell
Glengate Farms
Grand River Raceway
Brad Grant
Great Canadian Entertainment
Barry Guariglia
Dr. Moira Gunn
The Hambletonian Society
Hambletonian Society Merch
Hanover Raceway
Hanover Shoe Farms
Harness The Hope
Harrah's Hoosier Park
Andrew Harris
Trevor Henry
Ed & Ashleigh Hensley
Hippodrome 3R
Carl & Debbie Jamieson
Tyler Jones
Kentuckiana Farms
Kentuckiana - Muscle Mass
Susie Kerwood
Patrick Lachance
Lakeside Acres
Lexington Selected Sale
Little Brown Jug
Brett MacDonald
James & Paige MacDonald
Paul MacDonell
Ozzie MacKay
Felix Marion
Scott McEneny
McIntosh Pro Line
Doug McNair
Gregg McNair
Meadowlands / Tioga / Vernon
Marcus Melander
David Menary
Meridian Farms
Garry Merner
George Millar
David Miller
Chantal Mitchell
Dr. Ian Moore
Richard Moreau
New Start Standardbreds
New Vocations
Mac Nichol
Richard 'Nifty' Norman
Oak Grove
Ontario Sires Stakes / Ontario Racing
Ontario Sires Stakes Registration
Ghislain Paquet
Daniel Plouffe
Preferred Equine Marketing
Princeton Farms
The Raceway at the Western Fair District
Tom & Elizabeth Rankin
The Red Mile
Red Shores
Ray Schnittker
Seelster Farms
Seelster - Big Jim
Sharpe Feeds
Dr. Liz Shiland
Austin Sorrie
Spring Station
Standardbred Canada
Standardbred Canada Foal Application
Standardbred Horse Sales Co.
Standardbred Horse Sales Co. Thank You
Steacy Family
Jordan Stratton
Surdale Farms - Shnitzledosomethin
Ake & Sarah Svanstedt
Nancy Takter
Tara Hills
Tara Hills - Alarm Detector
Tara Hills - King Of The North
Tim Tetrick
Daryl Thiessen
TROT Magazine
True Nature Communications
Twinbrook Farms
Ben Wallace
Ross & Margaret Warriner
Isaac Waxman
Weaver Bruscemi LLC
Dean & Ashley Wilson
Winbak Farm
Winbak Congratulations
With the Canada Post strike ongoing, the team at TROT Magazine has offered details regarding its special 50th Anniversary issue printed for December, and where the magazine is available for pick-up.
(Standardbred Canada)