The Meadowlands Racetrack and the Standardbred Breeders and Owners of New Jersey are extremely pleased to announce that they have reached a revenue sharing agreement for the next ten years that will annually add a minimum of $1 Million from the sports betting monies to the purse account.
“With a bill for a five-year $100-million purse appropriation scheduled to be introduced in the legislature shortly, we are all hopeful that we will be able to continue our good work with the SBOA and bring the Meadowlands back to its stature as a premier racing venue,” noted NMR Chairman Jeff Gural.
SBOA President Mark Ford was equally enthusiastic, imploring all horsemen to reach out to their legislators to let them know how important this bill is to the future of racing and breeding in New Jersey, while also reminding horsemen that “if you are betting sporting events be sure to place your bets with FanDuel at the Meadowlands or use the FanDuel app, as a portion of every dollar you wager will show up in the purse account.”