The Red Mile and Hoosier Park are proud to present the 2014 edition of the Moni Maker and Nadia Lobell Stakes. The 2014 edition of the prestigious stakes will be held on October 31 at Hoosier Park.
Both stakes have an estimated purse of $175,000. The nine qualified highest 2014 money earners entered will qualify for the race with the remaining entrants receiving a full refund of all payments. With only the top nine qualified money earners allowed to start, all horses will be on the gate.
This will be the first time for the stakes to be raced at Hoosier Park. The Nadia Lobell and the Moni Maker were held at the Meadowlands Racetrack in 2013.
Both stakes saw the stars of the sport compete last season in thrilling performances. The Moni Maker was the final 2013 performance for the undefeated Bee A Magician as she capped off her phenomenal season. With a purse of $253,000, the Moni Maker exceeded the estimated purse of $175,000. In the Nadia Lobell, the fastest pacing filly of all time, Shebestingin, captured her 12th victory over top fillies like Charisma Hanover and UF Dragon Queen for the $167,000 purse.
The Red Mile will handle all payments starting in March for both stakes.
(Red Mile)