Top Trainers at Rideau Carleton Raceway

Top Winning Trainers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through July 14, 2024

TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                  186    45    29    23     256,450    24.2    .369
Guy Gagnon                    113    35    26    16     196,535    31.0    .484
Stephane Pouliot              153    24    22    26     152,779    15.7    .293
Victor C Puddy                179    19    25    26     161,802    10.6    .232
Yves Tessier                   39    11     8     6      61,441    28.2    .447
Marc-andre Simoneau            56    10    14    11      73,369    17.9    .382
Michael Armstrong              82    10    10    16      69,446    12.2    .254
Isabelle D Darveau             58    10    10     5      66,979    17.2    .296
Catherine Girard               20     8     2     1      36,174    40.0    .472
Brian A Scott                  47     7     4     9      38,328    14.9    .260
John A Macmillan               78     6    10     7      58,935     7.7    .178
Macy A Cassell Smyth           70     6     7    11      43,630     8.6    .193
Andre Lachance                 17     6     1     4      28,417    35.3    .464
Benoit Hebert                  41     5     6     7      42,866    12.2    .260
Michel Lagace                  21     5     4     2      31,602    23.8    .375
Alain Martin                   45     4     6     4      26,853     8.9    .192
Robert C Robinson              16     4     5     0      23,820    25.0    .423
Patrick J Dillon               15     4     3     4      28,306    26.7    .466
William S Douglas              13     4     3     2      19,088    30.8    .487
Maxime Velaye                  21     4     3     1      24,185    19.0    .285
Christina D Miller             11     4     1     3      17,440    36.4    .505
Gordon S Ley                   13     4     0     1      14,730    30.8    .333
Melanie Plourde                28     3     6     9      26,379    10.7    .333
Andrew A Moore                 22     3     5     1      21,339    13.6    .277
Jacques Beaudoin               38     3     4     6      24,120     7.9    .190
Robert Bernicky                21     3     3     5      21,208    14.3    .301
Ty Robillard                    9     3     1     2      11,964    33.3    .469
Luc Loyer                      17     3     0     2      16,319    17.6    .215
Eric Lafleur                   29     2     8     2      26,725     6.9    .245
Ted S Mcdonald                 32     2     5     3      21,333     6.2    .180
Stephane Mayer                 23     2     4     2      16,872     8.7    .212
Gilbert Mercier                14     2     3     0      10,756    14.3    .261
Pierre Bovay                   10     2     2     2      15,214    20.0    .377
Jamie W Johnston               22     2     2     2      10,741     9.1    .171
Clement Lauzon Authier          5     2     2     1       9,720    40.0    .688
Gerard G Vaillancourt          30     2     1     5      16,179     6.7    .140
Jerome Lombart                 16     2     1     2      10,179    12.5    .201
Katia Leclerc                  18     2     1     1      10,302    11.1    .160
Sylvain Tremblay               11     2     1     1       7,892    18.2    .262
Yves Corbin                    12     2     0     4       8,988    16.7    .277
Denis Audet                     5     2     0     0       5,955    40.0    .400
Dr Ian Moore                    2     2     0     0     140,000   100.0   1.000
Sam Sergi                      16     2     0     0       8,310    12.5    .125
Alain Filion                   31     1     3     5      16,448     3.2    .139
Geoffrey A Davidson            12     1     3     2       9,970     8.3    .277
Mike P Healey                  27     1     2     7      13,902     3.7    .164
Claude Cadieux                  9     1     2     3       8,880    11.1    .345
Ryan Guy                       22     1     2     2      12,397     4.5    .126
Jeremy Marcotte                19     1     1     3       8,980     5.3    .134
James D Armitage               10     1     1     2       7,507    10.0    .222

                    Last 20 Days 9/5/2024 thru 14/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                  118    29    17    15     159,132    24.6    .368
Guy Gagnon                     79    24    19    11     137,172    30.4    .483
Stephane Pouliot               96    15    15    15      96,188    15.6    .295
Victor C Puddy                115     9    14    18      92,563     7.8    .198
Michael Armstrong              51     7     7    10      48,013    13.7    .278
Yves Tessier                   27     7     5     6      40,191    25.9    .436
Brian A Scott                  23     7     2     2      27,119    30.4    .381
Catherine Girard               14     7     2     1      32,594    50.0    .603
Isabelle D Darveau             45     6     9     5      51,009    13.3    .281
Marc-andre Simoneau            36     5     9    10      42,853    13.9    .370

                    Last 15 Days 26/5/2024 thru 14/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                   83    23    12     7     119,006    27.7    .385
Guy Gagnon                     61    19    14     6     103,645    31.1    .471
Stephane Pouliot               69     9    11    12      64,291    13.0    .276
Yves Tessier                   22     7     3     5      34,974    31.8    .469
Catherine Girard               12     7     2     0      31,850    58.3    .675
Victor C Puddy                 91     6    10    15      68,569     6.6    .181
Marc-andre Simoneau            27     5     5     7      33,346    18.5    .374
Michael Armstrong              32     4     3     8      27,994    12.5    .260
John A Macmillan               39     4     3     3      29,517    10.3    .170
Maxime Velaye                  18     4     2     1      20,835    22.2    .302

                    Last 10 Days 13/6/2024 thru 14/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                   57    18     6     5      86,368    31.6    .403
Guy Gagnon                     43    11    11     6      68,741    25.6    .444
Stephane Pouliot               44     6     7     8      42,133    13.6    .285
Victor C Puddy                 65     5     9     8      53,687     7.7    .194
Catherine Girard                8     4     1     0      18,800    50.0    .569
Isabelle D Darveau             23     3     3     4      24,097    13.0    .260
Marc-andre Simoneau            13     3     2     4      17,406    23.1    .418
Yves Tessier                   15     3     2     4      19,524    20.0    .362
Melanie Plourde                10     3     1     4      14,257    30.0    .488
Christina D Miller              6     3     0     1      10,936    50.0    .555

                    Last 5 Days 30/6/2024 thru 14/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                   29     7     6     3      37,626    24.1    .390
Guy Gagnon                     23     5     7     2      35,495    21.7    .415
Victor C Puddy                 34     4     4     5      28,331    11.8    .232
Catherine Girard                5     3     0     0      12,000    60.0    .599
Stephane Pouliot               23     2     3     5      18,387     8.7    .231
Isabelle D Darveau             11     2     2     2      16,092    18.2    .343
Andrew A Moore                  5     2     2     0       9,996    40.0    .622
Yves Tessier                    9     2     1     2      12,364    22.2    .358
Marc-andre Simoneau             7     2     1     1      10,100    28.6    .412
Andre Lachance                  5     2     1     0       9,294    40.0    .511

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