Q. How do I become eligible for insurance coverage?
A. If you are a Driver, Trainer, Groom, Official or Field Representative, under age 70, you are eligible for these benefits when you become a paid-up member of Standardbred Canada. Participation in the plan is mandatory and the cost will be reflected in your annual membership renewal.
Q. What, exactly, is a “horse-related” accident?
A. A horse-related accident is one which occurs at a public or private racetrack or stable (within the jurisdiction of Standardbred Canada) while you are engaged in one of these duties:
- driving, training, exercising, feeding or handling trotting or pacing horses,
- handling sulkies, carts or other racing gear,
- maintaining or preparing track surfaces (including snow removal), or
- when you are handling horses, feed, sulkies, carts or other racing gear while transporting them to or from a public or private track or stable.
Q. Where am I covered for these benefits?
A. If you are a Canadian resident, you are covered while racing at any public or private racetrack within the jurisdiction of or approved by Standardbred Canada. If you are not a Canadian Resident, you are covered only while racing in Canada.
Q. Who is considered a Canadian resident?
A. Any member who maintains his/her permanent residence in Canada and who resides here for at least 183 days in any year is considered a Canadian resident for purposes of this insurance.
Q. Are any accidents or injuries not covered?
A. No benefit will be payable if the accident is not “horse-related” e.g. while walking from the stable to your car, or any accident which occurs away from the track, except as noted in the description of “horse-related”.
Q. How long does my coverage remain in effect?
A. As long as you continue to be a licenced member of Standardbred Canada, your coverage will remain in effect until your 70th birthday.