Gustafson Is Hooked On Horses June 02, 2017 “We just went out on a limb and went into some partnerships with some people and I can’t tell you how much fun we’ve had. I think once horses are in your blood they’re always in your blood, even if yo...
Driving School Opens In Delaware June 01, 2017 When he was a young child, around the age of four or five, Pep Moretti sat down with some crayons and began to create his own harness racing driving colours. Now, three decades later, he hopes to begi...
Race Calling Workshop Seats Still Open May 16, 2017 Spots are still available in a workshop for those who would like to learn to call a horse race. The United States Trotting Association, in conjunction with the Meadowlands Racetrack, is sponsoring the...
Approved USTA Changes In Effect May 01, 2017 Changes to U.S. Trotting Association rules and bylaws that were approved at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors in February 2017, were enacted and went into effect on Monday (May 1).
USTA Relaunches Improved Mobile Site April 25, 2017 The U.S. Trotting Association announced the relaunch of its new and improved mobile site at on Tuesday (April 25).
Town Hall Series Set To Begin Thursday April 21, 2017 The first in a monthly series of USTA Presidential Town Halls with President Russell Williams will begin on Thursday, April 27 at 10:30 AM on the Post Time with Mike and Mike harness racing show.
A Different Kind Of Horsepower April 18, 2017 "We raced on horse tracks; they iced them down in the wintertime and we raced on them....(Racing) a snowmobile is a little easier, you’ve got a little more control with that one."
Details On Announcing Workshop April 05, 2017 The U.S. Trotting Association, in conjunction with the Meadowlands Racetrack, will conduct a workshop for those interested in learning to call races on Saturday, June 17, at the Meadowlands in East Ru...
Monthly Town Hall With USTA President March 27, 2017 Post Time with Mike and Mike is excited to announce that the show will be conducting a monthly town hall segment with current USTA President Russell Williams starting in April.
Gall Addresses USTA Board March 01, 2017 On Monday, Standardbred Canada's President & CEO Dan Gall was a guest speaker at the United States Trotting Association's Board of Directors Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Williams Elected USTA President February 27, 2017 Russell Williams was elected president of the USTA by a vote of association directors during the first general session of the USTA board of directors annual meeting on Monday, February 27 at the Rio A...
Tanner On Facebook Live Tonight February 16, 2017 United States Trotting Association Executive Vice President/CEO Mike Tanner will appear live via the USTA’s Facebook page on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m. (EST) to discuss the upcoming annual Bo...