Changes At Buffalo In 2012 December 21, 2011 Buffalo Raceway, in Hamburg, New York will open its 70th season of live harness racing on Wednesday, January 11, but never in its history has a Buffalo meet opened with so many changes
Millions Dedicated To T-Bred Plan August 16, 2011 Following the release of a comprehensive report by consulting firm McKinsey & Company, The Jockey Club has announced a multi-million-dollar, nine-part plan for the betterment of thoroughbred horse...
Comments On Track Operating Subsidy Bill March 31, 2011 "I think the message is very clear -- that the horse racing industry as a whole has to come up with some type of sustainable plan in the short-term because now their back's against the wall."
Track Operating Subsidy, Government Oversight Step Closer To Reality In Maryland March 29, 2011 According to a report, racetracks in Maryland are now a step closer to getting a state subsidy for operating costs, but legislators opposed to such a move got pretty figurative about the situation yes...