March Musings

Emotion Rules

I can’t recall an awards night that delivered the kind of emotion that we saw at this year’s O’Briens. Blair Burgess, Jody Jamieson and Mark Steacy each reminded the sold-out audience how much it meant to them to be recognized as Canada’s best.

Their heartfelt words were a testament to lives spent perfecting their crafts within the sport of harness racing. Kudos as well to Ann Curran who delivered an emotional tribute to all the women of the Mildred Williams International Driving Series who made her Cam Fella win possible. It was a highpoint of the night to see Mildred herself make her way to the stage.

An Open Invitation

Sometimes I feel like a broken record writing about the huge declines in Canadian standardbred wagering. I know I am not alone. I sincerely hope that everyone involved in the industry makes an effort to attend the first Standardarbred Wagering Conference from April 29 to May 1 in Montreal. The time is now to stand up and determine a path to viability.

The Brand

I recently read an editorial in the Globe and Mail by Business Professor George Stalk. He said: “Branding in today’s marketplace is about the total experience a customer has with your products or services. It is about enticing customers, gaining their trust, and making the experience so pleasant that they are proud of their choice and will tell others about it.”

Think of your local racetrack and imagine you walked in for the first time. Based on the words above, how’d they do? Imagine you’ve been a nightly customer for the last 40 years. Again, how’d they do? In business, there are few secrets - you either over-deliver or you fade into obscurity. Here’s hoping.

Promotions Iced

On we asked if you’d support an effort to bring racing back to the Rideau Canal. Sixty-three per cent of you responded, “yes” in favour of ice racing.
Whether that’s the right event or not, harness racing must be taken back to the streets, beaches and frozen canals. Fair racing and promotional programs may not drive today’s handle, but harness racing is actually quite portable and a tremendous spectacle when taken beyond the racetrack. The investment, if made, would pay off.

West Meadows - A Big Step

I hope the news in last month’s Trot didn’t fly below the radar. West Meadows Raceway, a permanent home for racing in Regina, SK, is a huge development for Canadian racing. To have a startup facility just two miles from the airport is a great new beginning. It is very nice to see growth and optimism back in Saskatchewan and I am sure there are investors across the country ready to get involved with the new track.

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