Post Time with Dan Gall

This month I would like to give a couple of quick updates as we move into a very busy racing season.

First, the Rules Committee is nearing the final turn for the On-Track Rules of Racing for Standardbreds. This has on-ly happened through the willingness, support, commitment and compromise of all the regulators across the country and the entire committee, who have been working on this for the past 18 months.

We have had some great discussions and spirited debates that will bring consistency and understanding of our sport to our racing fans and the general public alike.

The final step in the process is having each province meet with their stakeholders to answer questions and discuss changes, and then agree by committee, of the launching and implementation of the rule book from coast to coast.

I should at this time also recognize two new members to our committee who have come on board to step in for the retirement of Mike Brown and Paul Hogan. Welcome to Bill McNeill, Director of Racing, who has joined the committee to represent the British Columbia Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch, and Brett Revington, the new Executive Di-rector of the Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission.

Again, a tremendous shout out to our 19-member committee for having the dedication in seeing this project through. A project that some said could never be done. Recognizing that it isn’t exactly completed yet, I don’t want to get too far ahead of the committee but it does look ever more promising!

I would also like to congratulate everyone in British Columbia on another great racing season. I know all on the West Coast are working very hard in providing an exciting racing program for both new and old race fans.

Also, a huge shout-out to everyone in Alberta who continue to lead the country by example, of what can be accom-plished when all stakeholders have a common goal and vision. A new track opening (Century Mile) is unheard of in this era but Alberta has led the way in promoting the sport and creating new excitement with over 5,000 in attendance for opening day under cold and dreary skies. This is a wonderful testament of the work that is being done in Alberta.

Manitoba’s Val Isman, who is on the Rules Committee, also joins our quarterly Standardbred Horse Association Tel-econference call and she always brings great perspective and positive thoughts for the Manitoba standardbred industry.

Ontario is heading into the peak of its racing season and we wish nothing but the best for Ontario Racing in executing on the deliverables and goals that they have committed to for 2019.

I would also like to applaud the management and team at Hippodrome 3R for their lead in addressing the urging rule. This is ground-breaking for our industry and by all accounts the new guidelines that they have rolled out to drivers and trainers regarding whipping and urging is something that all provinces should be discussing and reviewing.

We also want to wish well our Atlantic partners who too are working hard in bringing the best product to their cus-tomers, and for keeping our sport front and centre - and let’s not forget that it’s the 60th anniversary of the Gold Cup and Saucer!

As of this writing the amount wagered on Standardbred racing in Canada in 2019, is up 9% from the same time last year, and that doesn’t happen without hard work, and by trying to implement new ideas, whether it is the opening of a new racetrack, reviewing our rules and regulations, or looking at how to develop a more fun and exciting product.

Best of luck to all of you this summer season and hope to see you at the track!

Dan Gall, President & CEO, Standardbred Canada
[email protected]

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