A New Twist

With Christmas & the holidays just behind us, it’s the time of year when we make (and do our best to uphold!) our New Year’s resolutions. A New Year’s resolution, after all, is a commitment that we make to one or more lasting personal goals or projects, or maybe to the reforming of a habit. It’s something we set out to accomplish with the turning of the year as the opening of our starting gate. There are the old reliables, like quitting smoking, losing weight, saving money... But let’s try some new twists on to this old tradition. How about tackling some of the following this January...

Call that old friend that you haven’t talked to.

Spend more time with your family & friends.

Educate someone about harness racing that has no knowledge of our sport.

Take someone to the track that has never been.

Volunteer with a horse organization.

Learn something new about horses.

Attend the O’Brien Awards!

January is a busy month again for Standardbred Canada. The Board of Directors will be convening again at the end of the month for meetings along with the Annual General Meeting on the afternoon of January 28, 2012. The night is topped off by the O’Brien Awards at the Delta Meadowvale Hotel. This is a wonderful evening hosted by SC, where the industry’s best horses and horse people are awarded the top Canadian honors of the year. There is no greater reward in Canadian harness racing than to receive the Joe O’Brien bronze trophy. I would encourage anyone to go if they haven’t yet had the experience of attending. It truly is another great experience for harness racing enthusiasts.

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