Donnie & George Turner Memorial

Sponsor: Truro Raceway
Eligibility: For foals of 2022 2023 and 2024. For 3-year-old pacing colts and fillies that were foaled in the Atlantic Provinces.
Province: NS
Raced at: Truro Raceway

May 15, 2025

Payment Schedule:
Three-Year-Old Payments:

Nomination Fee: May 15, 2023 $30
Sustaining Fee: April 15, 2024 $100
Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2025 $150

Two-Year-Old Payments:

Nomination Fee: May 15, 2024 $30
Late nomination fee: August 15, 2024 $100
First Sustaining Fee: April 15, 2025 $100
Supplemental Fee: April 15, 2025 $400 (if yearling nomination was missed, includes $100, 2 YO sustaining fee)
Second Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2026 $150

Yearling Payments:

Nomination Fee: May 15, 2025 $30
Late nomination fee: August 15, 2025 $100
First Sustaining Fee: April 15, 2026 $100
Supplemental Fee: April 15, 2026 $400 (if yearling nomination was missed, includes $100, 2 YO sustaining fee)
Second Sustaining Fee: February 15, 2027 $150

Supplemental Fee: $1,300 due ten days prior to race (if nomination and sustaining payments missed)
Starting Fee:

$300 due one hour prior to post

Fee Notes:

Payments can be made through SC Stakes Online by clicking here.

Payments can also be made directly to Standardbred Canada by mail.


1. All payments are forfeits. Any payments returned NSF (not sufficient funds) shall be considered a withdrawal from the event.

2. All starters must be qualified as per Truro Raceway's qualifying standards at the time of declaration.

3. All starters must be declared in by 10:00 am three (3) days prior to the race date (omitting Sunday).

4. Purse distribution: 45%, 25%, 15%, 10%, 5% If four (4) starters, 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%. If three (3) starters, 55%, 30%, 15%. If two (2) starters, 65%, 35%

5. If more than ten (10) horses declare to start, the race shall be conducted in divisions. Providing there are enough starting declarations, it may be raced in colt and filly divisions.

6. Truro Raceway reserves the right to reject any entry, change order of program, place in eligible class if entered wrong or declare off any event not filling satisfactorily.

7. In the event it is impossible to race these races for any reason whatsoever, all monies received will be divided among the horses eligible at the time the race is declared off.

8. Rules of the Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission, Standardbred Canada and Truro Raceway to govern everything not covered by these conditions.


Truro Raceway, Joe Kelly, PO Box 25025, Truro, NS B2N 7B8, Tel: (902) 893-8075, Fax: (902) 897-9066, Website:


Standardbred Canada Stakes Department - 1-2150 Meadowvale Boulevard, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6R6 Tel: (905) 858-3060 ex 254, Fax (905) 858-8047, e-mail:  [email protected], website: