Standardbred Canada (SC) and Woodbine Entertainment would like to remind horsepeople that Direct Deposit (Electronic Fund Transfer) is now being offered for purse payments for Woodbine Mohawk Park and all other Ontario Racing Member tracks.
SC will be handling the collection of all banking information and approvals, while Woodbine Entertainment will be completing the actual transfer of purse funds directly to the SC member’s Canadian-based bank account. Direct Deposit payments can only be made to Canadian banks.
In the future, SC will be looking to roll out Direct Deposit payments in other Canadian jurisdictions, as well as for staking programs, but for the initial roll-out, the service is only available for those racing in Ontario.
Important information for SC members racing in Ontario:
- SC is now accepting applications and supporting documentation. While efforts will be made to process applications quickly, because of the volume of requests, it may take up to four to six (4-6) weeks to process the initial approvals.
- On horses owned or leased by more than one person or by more than one stable, the first owner/lessee of record will be the ONLY party to receive Direct Deposit (EFT) payments. It is required that ALL owners of record complete all Direct Deposit (EFT) forms (six pages), including providing proof of identification.
- Completion of these forms will enable funds to be released by Direct Deposit (EFT) to the first owner/lessee of record on any horses that person or stable owns/leases.
- As ONLY the first owner of record will receive payment, if you wish to change the order of ownership, or leases, on any horses for the purposes of Direct Deposit payments, Standardbred Canada will offer a grace period for those changes until May 1, 2023.
- As long as the owners of record do not change, there will be no charge for change to the official order of ownership. After that date, there will be a fee for all transfers, including changes in the order of ownership.
- To sign up for Direct Deposit (EFT), please provide the complete information required on all of the Direct Deposit (EFT) forms (six pages), including a void cheque or Direct Deposit (EFT) letter from your bank.
- Please ensure all documents are signed and dated, as well as providing one piece of government identification to Standardbred Canada. (For information on what is considered acceptable valid identification, click here.)
- Please send the completed information to [email protected] or call Standardbred Canada Member Services at 905-858-3060 x254. Standardbred Canada does not take any responsibility for the security of information. It is solely a member’s responsibility to ensure any information is sent via a secure and safe method to Standardbred Canada.
- If you have any changes to the information you have provided, or want to make changes to the approvals provided, contact Standardbred Canada Member Services at 905-858-3060 x254 or email [email protected].
- Changes will not take place until you have filed all required forms including valid identification, until Standardbred Canada has confirmed receipt of those changes and approved the changes, and until Woodbine Entertainment has received and verified the information. This change process will take approximately 10 business days, but processing time is not guaranteed.
- Processing speeds may differ between Ontario Racing tracks, and Woodbine Mohawk Park, and processing could take as long as four to six (4-6) weeks from the time applications are completed and first submitted.
- For a period of time, during the processing period, it is possible that payments may still arrive via cheque for Woodbine Mohawk Park but will still arrive via Direct Deposit for Ontario Racing tracks, or vice versa, as the tracks may have different processing times.
- If you have any questions regarding Direct Deposit, contact Standardbred Canada Member Services at 905-858-3060 x254 or email [email protected].
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, forms and more information, please visit the Direct Deposit Information page.