October 13, 2020 09:49 am EDT
The annual Buckeye Classic Yearling Sale is taking place today (Tuesday, Oct. 13) at the Champions Center Expo in Springfield, Ohio.
A total of 212 yearlings have been catalogued. Yearlings withdrawn from the sale that the company has been made aware of have been designated on the online roster.
Up-to-date TrackIT pedigrees, catalogue pages and available videos can be viewed on www.buckeyeclassicsale.com.
The sale is scheduled to get underway at 10:00 a.m. (EDT).
Those wishing to bid via the internet using Proxibid are encouraged to sign in and create an account before the sale to avoid any last minute issues that may arise. Visit www.proxibid.com to start the process.
(With files from the Hoosier Classic Sale Company)