The American Harness Drivers Club (AHDC) presented yet another donation to another charitable cause, this time to the Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization of New Jersey (SPHO-NJ) over the weekend of Sept. 22.
President Anthony Verruso presented the cheque, a $2,000 donation, to the SPHO-NJ during its National Standardbred Horse Show at The Horse Park of New Jersey, which took place from Sept. 22-24. Shannon Wilson, Vice President of the SPHO-NJ, was joined by other members and members of the board to receive the donation.
“The AHDC is always proud to support the Standardbreds we race and to help promote the careers and lives they can have off the track,” said Verruso. “We are nothing without these horses and these horses can do so much more beyond racing. They are a terrific animal.”
The SPHO-NJ is a non-profit organization focused on promoting the Standardbred in pleasure and competitive event riding. The organization hosts the official Standardbred horse show championship annually with its National Standardbred Horse Show at the heart of New Jersey in Allentown.
(AHDC; Photo L to R: Taylor Ferguson, Shannon Wilson, Helene Gregory, Anthony Verruso, Destiny Sheard, Donna Marshall and Kelly Conn)