Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission (MPHRC) race officials would like to remind horsemen of the fourth Annual Stretch Drive Benevolent Fund Golf Tournament, which will take place at Fox Meadow Golf Club in Stratford, P.E.I. on Wednesday, August 17
, with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. The golf club is located just minutes away from Red Shores at Charlottetown Driving Park.
The event raises funds for individuals and families involved in the Maritime provinces' harness racing industry that have fallen on hard times for various reasons. The Stretch Drive Benevolent Fund is a project of the MPHRC officials and also contributes $1,000 to the Atlantic Bursary Fund, which awards scholarships each year to deserving students whose family are involved in harness racing in the Maritimes.
The tournament is limited to 32 teams at a cost of $75 per individual golfer or $300 per team of four. Interested golfers can register by contacting the MPHRC at (902) 836-5500 or a MPHRC race official at your local track. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, August 10.
Participants will have a chance to watch some great racing during Old Home Week, enjoy a day of golf with friends, and have an opportunity to win some valuable prizes. To date, the Fund, which is administered by the MPHRC and Senior Judges Committee, has distributed a total of greater than $23,000, assisting more than 50 individuals throughout the Maritime provinces.