Guglielmi Drives On In Finland

Archibald and Sami Nummi winning in Finland
Published: August 20, 2024 10:54 pm EDT

The luck was not on the side of Nello Guglielmi on Tuesday, Aug. 20 in the second leg of the 2024 World Championship for Amateur Drivers in Finland.

The second leg consisted of three drives at Mikkeli Racetrack in Mikkeli, with Guglielmi finishing eighth and tenth in his two drives of the evening. His other starter was scratched.

Here's the leaderboard after the second day of competition:

T1. Martin Andreasen (Denmark) - 52 points
T1. Ove Bakkevold Reime (Norway) - 52 points
3. Antonia Vaquer Staschel (Spain) - 49 points
4. Cheree Wigg (New Zealand) - 47 points
5. Sami Nummi (Finland, pictured above winning with Archibald) - 44 points
6. Andrea Fazekas (Hungary) - 42 points
7. Patrik Fernlund (Sweden) - 40 points
8. Cliferty Calleja (Malta) - 39 points
T9. Nello Guglielmi (Canada) - 35 points
T9. John Calabrese (United States) - 35 points
11. Maximiliano Lacunza (Argentina) - 33 points
12. Xavier Bovay (Switzerland) - 32 points

The third and final leg and the final three races are set for Thursday, Aug. 22 at Jokimaa Racecourse in Lahti.

(Standardbred Canada)

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