The draw for the 2018 Atlantic Regional Driving Championship, which will take place this Friday (June 29) at Truro Raceway, is now complete.
First race post time for Friday's card of harness racing is 6:30 p.m. Atlantic time (5:30 p.m. Eastern time). The following drivers will be participating in the Atlantic Regional Driving Championship:
Gilles Barrieau (PEI)
Marc Campbell (PEI)
Darren Crowe (NS)
Redmond Doucet (NS)
Jason Hughes (PEI)
Gerard Kennedy (NS)
Ken Murphy (PEI)
Todd Trites (NB)
(Province in brackets represents the province where the driver raced & qualified from)

"Now that the draw is done, and all drivers will leave from each post position, I'm confident that we will have a very exciting and competitive driving challenge here at Truro Raceway," said Truro's General Manager, Kelly MacEachen.
The ARDC races will take place in races 1 through 7 and 9. To view Friday's entries, click on one of the following links: Truro Raceway - Friday Entries - Program Pages (courtesy TrackIT).
Drivers will receive points based on their finishing position and the top two drivers will join six other drivers at the 2018 National Driving Championship (NDC) at Grand River Raceway on Wednesday, September 26.
The winner of the 2018 NDC will have the opportunity to represent Canada in the World Driving Championship (WDC), and join 2017 World Driving Champion, James MacDonald, in the 2019 WDC in Sweden.
The Regional Driving Championships and the National Driving Championship will adapt the point system utilized in the World Driving Championship. Points will be awarded on the order of finish as follows:
Number of Starters 8:
15 (1), 10 (2), 7 (3), 5 (4), 4 (5), 3 (6), 2 (7), 1 (8).
Number of Starters 7:
14 (1), 9 (2), 6 (3), 4 (4), 3 (5), 2 (6), 1 (7).
In the event of a scratch, the driving rep drawn to a horse shall drive the ‘also eligible’ horse.
In the event of a horse being scratched or where no horse is available, five (5) points shall be awarded to the driver concerned. If a horse is disqualified or a horse and driver fail to complete the race, they will receive one (1) point.
In the event of a dead heat for any placing in any race the points for the horses involved will be added together and divided equally among the drivers concerned (eg. If there’s a dead heat for third between two horses, the points for third and fourth place will be added and divided among the drivers)