On Sunday, June 11, Alberta horsepeople hosted a Family Fun Day fundraiser in aid of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation at Kelly Hoerdt’s Bedrock Farms in Beaumont, Alberta. The festivities marked the third consecutive year for the fundraiser, and organizers have informed Trot Insider that the day was a success.
The day’s activities also included a commemorative mile to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Canadian Horse Racing. Pacing stallion Trust The Artist led the way for the mile and kids that were on hand had the option of jogging, running, or walking behind him. All of the kids that completed the mile received a special participation certificate.
“There was a huge turnout of people and a good time was had by all,” Amy Henry told Trot Insider. “The sun came out just in time for us to be able to use the track for cart rides and Trust The Artist’s commemorative mile!”
Kids and adults followed Trust The Artist around the track for an entire lap and received their completion certificates. “He is all class, all the time,” said Henry. “He went out there like a professional that has never missed a day in the harness. He had his owner, trainer Kelly Hoerdt, driving him, of course.
“Pablo (Trust The Artist’s barn name) has been Kelly's favourite horse so far in his career. That horse will always hold a special place in Kelly's heart, and we are very happy to have him home at the farm enjoying his retirement with us.”
Attendance figures and the amount of money raised has not been tabulated as of yet, but Trot Insider will provide that information as soon as it becomes available.
Organizers Peter Giannakopoulos of Nitza's Pizza and Kelly Hoerdt of Bedrock Training Centre would like to send out a huge ‘thank-you’ to all the staff and volunteers for their tireless efforts to make this fundraiser another complete success for the third year in a row.
Also, organizers would like to send a special thank-you shout out to the Alberta Standardbred Horse Association and Horse Racing Alberta for their support, and to everyone else that donated items for the silent auction. Thanks to Dean Anderson and Fred Gillis for making special appearances and giving jog cart rides all day long. Thanks Tristan Jackson, two-time CFL Grey Cup winner, for being the good sport that got soaked in the celebrity dunk tank.