Hoerdt Good To Go

Codename Cigar Box, winning at Century Downs
Published: May 24, 2024 10:23 am EDT

Trot Insider touched base with Kelly Hoerdt, who was transported to hospital on Saturday, May 18 after an accident at Century Downs.

Hoerdt was set to compete in the first of two eliminations for the Alberta Marksman with Wrangler Treasure. A 'no contest' was declared in that event after an accident unseated Hoerdt and required other drivers to be examined by paramedics before continuing to compete.

As a result of the accident, Hoerdt was transported to hospital for precautionary reasons. The veteran horseman confirmed he plans to resume driving action this coming weekend.

"I tore some tissue in my left quad and bruised bone in my left forearm and wrist but no fractures this time," Hoerdt told Trot Insider earlier this week. "Should be okay by the weekend."

Unfortunately, Wrangler Treasure had to be euthanized as a result of the spill. The sophomore son of Wrangler Betonme - W Jean, a homebred of Dr. Maurice Stewart of Leduc, was a sibling to $100,000+ earners Wrangler Cash p,1:51.3f ($347,555) and Wrangler Jewel  p,3, 1:56.4e.

Due to the no contest in the stakes race, the seven colts and geldings that were slated to compete in the Marksman elim last weekend will go postward in that previously drawn post position order in the fourth race this Saturday, May 25.

Please join Standardbred Canada in offering condolences to the connections of Wrangler Treasure.

(Standardbred Canada)

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