Ted Smith closed the 2009 Standardbred Wagering Conference with a call for the industry to work together and entice horseplaying customers
"As the president of Standardbred Canada, it is easy to open these things and to close them -- putting them all together is the hard part."
In thanking those that created and assembled the conference, Smith's comments moved onto the prevailing need for more technological advancements to cater to the younger generation.
"What I've heard from our customers is that we had better get a kick in our rear end and move towards the gaming generation -- they love data, they love technology, and they love skilled gaming.
"In that vein, I will ask some of the presenters we had in regards to technology to attend Standardbred Canada's office to make those presentations to our management teams to see what we can do to move that forward."
In closing, Smith called on those present to unite and build for the future.
"It's so hard for our industry to work together, but it isn't working. Let's do it together."
To read more about the Wednesday sessions, please read the following links.
Day 2 Session Summaries
Session One: Life After Pari-Mutuel Wagering
Session Two: A Candid Conversation With William Bissett
Session Three: Lottery Executive Panel
Day 1 Session Summaries
Standardbred Wagering Conference Opening Address
Session One: Snapshot of North American Standardbred Wagering & Update on SWAP
Session Three: Show Me The Money