Horse Breaks Backers' Hearts

Published: March 11, 2016 01:44 pm EST

Anyone that has bet the races long enough surely has a story or three about a bad beat they endured one day at the races. That being said, handicappers that wagered on a particular horse on Friday, March 11 may have been subjected to the worst beat they have ever experienced.

The race in question, the 2.40, a Steeplchase event at Sandown in the United Kingdom, looked to be a lock for 11-4 shot What’s The Scoop. The wire was in sight and the presumed victor appeared to be home and cooled. The closest competitor, Starving Marvin, had essentially thrown in the towel.

But that was before What’s The Scoop decided to throw in the towel as well – just better.

As the replay above shows, What’s The Scoop became distracted by the crowd by the rail and made the decision to simply forego the rest of the race.

Starving Marvin, who was essentially at a walk, perked up a tad after the strange occurrence, and was the easiest of winners, as he picked up the pieces.

"He jumped the last big and I knew he was having a look at the stands up the straight,” What’s The Scoop’s rider, Barry Geraghty, said afterward. “It is a daunting place and he was having a big look when he got to the front.”

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