If you are planning on attending the O’Brien Awards Black Tie Gala on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023, don’t delay in purchasing your tickets! There are a limited number available and so far the demand has been great, so Standardbred Canada is encouraging finalists and anyone planning to attend the event to purchase their tickets as soon as possible!
After a two-year hiatus due to COVID restrictions, the O’Brien Awards is back as a ‘live’ event at the Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale Hotel featuring a 'Night Among The Stars' theme. There will also be a special “After Party” and dance following the award presentations and more details will be announced in the near future.
The ‘Night Among The Stars’ will honour and celebrate Canadian harness racing’s champions for 2022 and recognize the O’Brien Award winners from 2021 and 2020.
- Tickets are $200 + HST and can be ordered by contacting Caren Brown Stockwell at [email protected] or at 905-858-3060 x 250. (Tables of eight or 10 can be reserved)
Hotel Reservations – Deadline for special rate extended!
Contact the Hilton Mississauga / Meadowvale hotel directly at 1-855-757-4862 (in Canada and the U.S.). To obtain SC’s room rate of $129+ taxes please reserve before Jan. 20 and ask for the Standardbred Canada rate. You can also reserve a room with the special rate online through this link.
O’Brien Award finalists were announced on Dec. 22 and the winners will be announced at the Gala.