Top Trainers at Georgian Downs

Top Winning Trainers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through July 16, 2024

TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Jodie M Cullen                 30    13     9     4      68,855    43.3    .644
Carmen E Auciello              44     8     1     2      40,024    18.2    .209
Gerard Demers                  42     7     9     2      49,359    16.7    .301
Jean-francois Maguire          29     7     6     3      48,127    24.1    .390
Rachel E Andrew                23     6     3     4      32,185    26.1    .391
Ronald A Macdonald             22     6     2     2      32,930    27.3    .353
Robert Kyle Fellows            16     4     3     4      28,443    25.0    .437
Tim R Myers                    17     4     1     3      21,692    23.5    .326
Ashleigh M Hensley             11     4     1     2      21,989    36.4    .474
David L Holliday                7     4     1     1      22,213    57.1    .698
Eric Nadeau                    11     4     1     1      22,668    36.4    .444
Dean L Nixon                    8     4     0     2      26,370    50.0    .583
Jacob Roberts                  23     3     3     5      29,952    13.0    .275
Kevin G Benn                    5     3     2     0      18,325    60.0    .822
Katelyn M Graham                6     3     1     1      16,845    50.0    .648
Richard Moreau                 17     2     3     2      16,542    11.8    .254
Melissa L Lamoureux             7     2     2     1      13,142    28.6    .492
Bruce A Macdonald              10     2     2     1      15,188    20.0    .344
Meg J Crone                     9     2     1     4      14,829    22.2    .432
Rene Bourassa                   5     2     1     2       9,276    40.0    .644
James K Ellis                   8     2     1     2      10,416    25.0    .402
Keith E Jones                  18     2     1     2      15,811    11.1    .179
Vernon A Cochrane               7     2     1     1       9,953    28.6    .412
Otis J Hall                     4     2     1     1      12,898    50.0    .722
Tyler Moore                     8     2     0     4      13,470    25.0    .416
David C Brown                  10     2     0     3      11,768    20.0    .299
Candice A Morel                 6     2     0     1      11,758    33.3    .388
Matthew Bax                     2     2     0     0       9,400   100.0   1.000
Marie Helene Dupont             6     2     0     0      11,230    33.3    .333
Blake C Macintosh               4     2     0     0       8,265    50.0    .500
Gabriella Sasso                 2     2     0     0      10,200   100.0   1.000
Mark A Goddard                 19     1     4     4      18,507     5.3    .239
R Joseph Squires               23     1     4     4      15,690     4.3    .198
Randy P Ertel                   8     1     4     0       8,590    12.5    .402
Mark G Etsell                   7     1     4     0      14,330    14.3    .460
Wayne S Mac Lean               12     1     2     3       8,692     8.3    .259
Michael J Pattison             12     1     2     3      10,481     8.3    .259
George Ketros                  13     1     2     2      12,944     7.7    .213
Benjamin Hollingsworth          9     1     2     1       9,827    11.1    .271
Kenneth R Skinner               8     1     2     1      11,525    12.5    .305
Paul Thomas Court               3     1     2     0       5,675    33.3    .703
Terry A Gallant                 4     1     2     0       6,100    25.0    .527
Corey M Giles                   4     1     2     0       6,924    25.0    .527
Katie B Huskinson               4     1     2     0       8,400    25.0    .527
Brett M Lester                  8     1     2     0       7,641    12.5    .263
Ruth A Moore                    7     1     2     0       8,295    14.3    .301
Mitchell Tierney               11     1     2     0       6,550     9.1    .191
Murray L Brethour              10     1     1     4      11,261    10.0    .288
David K Frey                    9     1     1     3      11,405    11.1    .283
Richard Zeron                  10     1     1     3      10,187    10.0    .255

                    Last 20 Days 2/6/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Jodie M Cullen                 30    13     9     4      68,855    43.3    .644
Carmen E Auciello              44     8     1     2      40,024    18.2    .209
Gerard Demers                  42     7     9     2      49,359    16.7    .301
Jean-francois Maguire          29     7     6     3      48,127    24.1    .390
Rachel E Andrew                23     6     3     4      32,185    26.1    .391
Ronald A Macdonald             22     6     2     2      32,930    27.3    .353
Robert Kyle Fellows            16     4     3     4      28,443    25.0    .437
Tim R Myers                    17     4     1     3      21,692    23.5    .326
Ashleigh M Hensley             11     4     1     2      21,989    36.4    .474
David L Holliday                7     4     1     1      22,213    57.1    .698

                    Last 15 Days 15/6/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Jodie M Cullen                 22     8     7     4      45,880    36.4    .601
Jean-francois Maguire          22     7     4     2      42,927    31.8    .449
Ronald A Macdonald             18     6     1     2      29,725    33.3    .401
Gerard Demers                  31     4     6     1      31,614    12.9    .247
David L Holliday                7     4     1     1      22,213    57.1    .698
Tim R Myers                    12     4     1     1      19,132    33.3    .407
Eric Nadeau                    10     4     1     1      22,668    40.0    .488
Carmen E Auciello              33     4     0     2      18,699    12.1    .141
Robert Kyle Fellows            15     3     3     4      24,193    20.0    .400
Kevin G Benn                    5     3     2     0      18,325    60.0    .822

                    Last 10 Days 25/6/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Jodie M Cullen                 16     5     4     4      29,693    31.2    .534
Ronald A Macdonald             13     5     0     1      21,733    38.5    .410
Jean-francois Maguire          14     4     1     2      25,885    28.6    .373
David L Holliday                7     4     1     1      22,213    57.1    .698
Kevin G Benn                    5     3     2     0      18,325    60.0    .822
Eric Nadeau                     8     3     1     0      15,850    37.5    .444
Ashleigh M Hensley              4     3     0     0      11,800    75.0    .750
Robert Kyle Fellows            11     2     3     3      18,738    18.2    .424
Gerard Demers                  19     2     3     1      15,170    10.5    .210
Rachel E Andrew                 8     2     1     1      11,112    25.0    .361

                    Last 5 Days 7/7/2024 thru 16/7/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Jodie M Cullen                 10     3     0     4      14,543    30.0    .433
Jean-francois Maguire           7     3     0     1      15,620    42.9    .476
Ashleigh M Hensley              3     3     0     0      11,800   100.0   1.000
Ronald A Macdonald              8     3     0     0      12,603    37.5    .375
Robert Kyle Fellows             5     2     2     1      13,344    40.0    .688
Kevin G Benn                    4     2     2     0      13,875    50.0    .777
Blake C Macintosh               2     2     0     0       7,625   100.0   1.000
Gabriella Sasso                 2     2     0     0      10,200   100.0   1.000
Gerard Demers                  11     1     3     1      10,438     9.1    .272
Wayne S Mac Lean                4     1     1     2       5,299    25.0    .555

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